Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Much Should I Sell A Used Vcr

Sea sex and sun, you little, you're dynamite

S alut bacon, today is not an ordinary day?
(Haa Blabla you know? Blamatascope? HipHop! No? Nevermind)

Who's who at his last exam today? bibi it!
joy, madness, excitement, orgasm .. er

I should indeed revise instead of writing a small article but I'm too lazy!
More desire, and then as a friend would say Latin alea Jacta es !
No, I did not know what that meant until this morning I either.
In fact, this means for most scholars' sounds thrown the dice. "
Then since the die is cast, what's the point of review? God is watching me!

Anyway, all that to tell you, my bacon, I'm going tomorrow morning the sun to rise again. Because yes, your goddess, Alexandra, was beautiful and well Raplapla completely in recent days.

the program, the Canary Islands with some friends, cocktails galore, tapas to roll over so that one is completed and then the best of the best milking grease all over his body back to red Tomato!

What is clear, I landed, I give my body liquid that has been more right for weeks and then I jump into the water to float like a boat so I have bubbles in my body.

short, you'll understand that I am the coach another week and hopefully get back in shape.

The wind at all, and when I come back, be there a little more talkative!


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